Part 47: The Elder Updates XLVI - Gearin' Up
Gearin' Up
Having eliminated the threat to Bruma, it's time to report back to Jauffre.

Armor of Tiber Septim. Got it.

I will need supplies.

Upgrade! Orcish is the third best flavor of Heavy Armor, but unfortunately we couldn't get a full set. I did get gauntlets, but we still need the carrying capacity afforded to us by the Handy Gloves for now.

My first stop should be the Imperial City. I can calculate my next step from there.

Pfagh! Bandits.

Might as well try out that new spell...

Hmm. Seems to have only been temporary.

Nowhere near so useful as a blade, I think.

Ooh. Nice bow.
That we won't be using for a while because it doesn't have any


A brown bear, to be precise! I neglected to show it, but eagle-eyed readers probably noticed the level-up icon in the previous update. We're level 15 now, and as a result we'll be seeing these guys in the world now. At 330 HP and 44 points of damage per attack, they're the deadliest animal Cyrodiil has to offer, but as long as you're good about blocking and dodging, you can easily avoid a grizzly fate.

Take this!

Drama queen.

...damn it.

Nothing too interesting this time. This gate layout does have some caves, though, which is a bit of a change.

Hey, wait a minute.

Visible terrain seams? For shame, Bethesda. But really, it's not pervasive or detrimental enough to warrant a demerit.

We also get some really situational spell I'll probably never use.

Big enchantment, big enchantment, no whammies, stop!

Not bad at all.

Tempted as I am to stack more armor rating on myself, I just can't resist the prospect of a bigger, better weapon.

We also stumble upon the shrine of Mephala. Mephala demands nightshade.

Other than that, the trip's pretty uneventful, and we've reached the Imperial City in pretty much no time at all.

What IS that?


Minotaurs are on the spawn list now as well. They've got 300 HP, a nasty headbutt "spell" that can deal major damage your armor, and they bear the distinction of being the only monster to carry weapons.

Again, though, they're chumps as long as you're halfway competent. know, as long as I'm here I might as well get a proper staff.

We're gonna need it.